Myofascial decompression is a technique that uses dome shaped “cups” to create negative pressure (suction) combined with gentle, strategic movement to help release the tightness in an area of muscle and fascia, thereby improving quality of movement, and decreasing pain. The suction helps to create “space” in the tissues and restore fluidity to the fascia. Fascia is the support structure or “scaffolding” for tissues. It is fluid and has a high degree of plasticity. It encapsulates and connects multiple muscles allowing for the functional kinetic chain and plays a large role in the quality of our movement. Certain areas of our fascia can lose their fluidity and become a sort of “glue” that causes a restriction in the ability of the tissues to glide, changing the way the forces in the system are distributed and can contribute to pain and injury. We see this occur in common injuries such as shoulder impingement/tendonitis, tennis and golfer’s elbow, work or sport related repetitive overuse injuries, as well as neck and low back strains.The negative pressure created through the use of myofascial decompression, combined with active and/or passive movement, releases the tonic, tight, facilitated muscles and decreases the density that has accumulated in specific myofascial layers. It helps to bring blood flow, and therefore oxygen, to the area and allows nutrient exchange and helps to release trigger points, or knots, in the muscles. Myofascial decompression can also help decrease scar tissue and improve the pliability of the tissue/muscle. We are experiencing some exciting results with the addition of myofascial decompression to our tool box here at North Jersey Physical Therapy Associates, call today to come in and see if this technique is appropriate for treatment of your pain/movement impairment.

Neck Pain and Headaches