Pain is complicated, multi-system and elusive. We in the medical and dental professions are understanding the pain science in unprecedented ways. Pain is multi-system involving the brain and changes in the brain when pain is chronic (over 3 months). Pain involves the immune system to facilitate healing in chronic, acute and sub-acute conditions, and in all cases involves soft tissue. Healing chronic pain involves different treatment strategies than acute pain.Pain is a symptom. We at NJPTA understand pain and movement science. People in pain do not move like people without pain, and we understand how to assess and how to address not only the source of the pain, but the root cause of the pain. For example, in a potential lower back pain / leg pain condition the MRI shows you have a L45 herniated disc as the source of the pain, but the ROOT cause of the pain is gravity and how you hold your spine to cause the disc to herniate. We also understand how the body heals and how the body adapts in order to function. This adaptation is invisible and unperceptive (cannot be felt) until a threshold or tipping point is reached and then pain ensues. Studies show 70% of people have herniated or bulging discs, but do not have any symptoms. The threshold / tipping point for acute injury / back pain from an activity that occurred last week is very different than back pain ongoing for 3 years that suddenly got aggravated last week. A pre-existing back pain history requires different treatment strategies than one time acute injury. Our expertise is the knowledge and applying the correct treatment tools in our toolbox to give you the knowledge and ability for your body to completely and permanently resolve your pain.